CS 6400: Database Systems Concepts and Design
Instructional Team

Leo Mark
Creator, Instructor

Peter Graening
Head TA
We believe in learning-by-example and learning-by-doing. This course presents an example of applying a database application development methodology to a major real-world project. All the database concepts, techniques, and tools that are needed to develop a database application from scratch are introduced along the way when they are needed. In parallel - slightly delayed - learners in the course will apply the database application development methodology, techniques, and tools to their own major class team project. Students will also learn the Extended Entity Relationship Model, the Relational Model, Relational algebra, calculus and SQL, database normalization, efficiency, and indexing. Finally, techniques and tools for metadata management and archival will be presented.
Sample Syllabi
Spring 2025 syllabus (PDF)
Summer 2024 syllabus (PDF)
Spring 2024 syllabus (PDF)
Note: Sample syllabi are provided for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information, consult the official course documentation.
Course Content
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Before Taking This Class...
Suggested Background Knowledge
Learners should be familiar with at least one scripting or programming language, e.g., PHP, Python, Java. Some familiarity with software engineering concepts and Git/source control will be helpful. Willingness to learn basic system administration tasks is necessary. Flexibility and readiness to work remotely with team members is a must.
Technical Requirements and Software
See the College of Computing's technical requirements.
Academic Integrity
All Georgia Tech students are expected to uphold the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code. This course may impose additional academic integrity stipulations; consult the official course documentation for more information.