MGT 6311: Digital Marketing
Instructional Team

Alka Citrin

Michael Buchanan

David Scott
Head TA

Emily Christian
Head TA
Digital Marketing has evolved from traditional marketing channels (radio, print, television, etc.) to include the online/internet channel and has grown significantly over the past ten years. The pace of new technology development and the ways consumers are interacting with various technologies has also been growing rapidly. Marketing executives are faced with new challenges to determine creative, cost effective ways to create brand awareness, engage their audience, and establish strong brand reputations. Social media and mobile have established new positions in the marketing arsenal alongside more mature online components such as email and search advertising. Assembling the right mix of tactics to support an organization’s overarching marketing strategy while also maximizing efforts through integrated marketing communications poses great opportunities and challenges for large and small businesses alike.
Understanding the various components of the online marketing channel at a high level is a necessary prerequisite for leveraging these tactics effectively in an applied environment. This course will explore elements including:
- Digital marketing strategy
- Online brand building/storytelling
- Social media marketing
- Online lead generation
- Mobile marketing
- Digital thought leadership
In addition to providing exposure to the tactical components of the online marketing channel, this course will also impart practical knowledge through real-world case examples and presentations from industry practitioners. Much like the field of digital marketing, this course is intended to be interactive with a healthy level of class participation and Q&A.
This course is not foundational and does not count toward any specializations at present, but it can be counted as a free elective.
Course Goals
The primary goals of this course are to provide awareness of the various marketing strategies and tactics available within the digital channel and an understanding of how they can be applied to achieve strategic business objectives. This course has been designed to be an active learning experience that strikes a balance between providing established frameworks and factual information while also exploring innovative, creative solutions that do not necessarily have a “right” answer or method. The purpose of this approach is to engage you in a way that builds upon your learning in a practical manner that can be applied in real-world business situations.
After taking this course, students should be able to:
- Explain the major components of a digital marketing strategy.
- Understand the implications of using digital tactics to accomplish various business goals and objectives for both B2B and B2C organizations.
- Identify the components of each digital marketing tactic and be able to explain how they function within the broader context of marketing.
- Recognize various digital marketing organizations, news sources, industry thought leaders, and networking channels.
- Differentiate between the many disciplines/roles within the digital marketing field, both within the agency model and the traditional organization model.
Sample Syllabi
Spring 2025 syllabus (PDF)
Fall 2024 syllabus (PDF)
Summer 2024 syllabus (PDF)
Note: Sample syllabi are provided for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information, consult the official course documentation.
Academic Integrity
All Georgia Tech students are expected to uphold the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code. This course may impose additional academic integrity stipulations; consult the official course documentation for more information.