S2E10: Anthony Miyaguchi

OMSCS Buzz: S2E10: Anthony Miyaguchi

On this episode, Tanmay chats with Anthony Miyaguchi. Anthony is a current OMSCS student and software engineer at Planet Labs, an Earth observation analytics company. He’s done it all while at Georgia Tech, from winning awards in student showcases to submitting papers at major conferences, to studying abroad at Georgia Tech’s campus in France. Tune in to hear about his incredibly interesting professional journey!


2:06 Undergrad experience in UCLA
3:31 Transition from hardware to data at Mozilla
6:55 Decision to pursue graduate studies
11:11 Experience in Planet Labs
21:36 Data Science @ GT club
25:40 Paper about Transfer Learning
33:23 Autobot VIP experience
38:20 OMSCS experience
41:29 Closing thoughts

Episode Notes

  • Episode Editor: Serge Nino Martin Villasica


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