Alumni Spotlight: Divya Rashmi

Divya Rashmi is from Houston, Texas. Divya graduated from OMSCS in Spring 2023, specializing in Interactive Intelligence, and is now working on “developing a platform designed to democratize AI.” For Divya, OMSCS was an exciting journey, and the adventure continues as she applies all that she learned in OMSCS to the real world! What Divya will miss most about OMSCS are the individual and group projects. Individual projects allowed for self study and exploration, and group projects provided opportunities to engage with peers and thus gain deeper insights. “I truly enjoyed the remarkable design of the OMSCS program combining both synchronous and asynchronous learning methodologies.”
[OMSCS] has covered a broad spectrum of subjects in such detail that it has instilled in me a deep-rooted confidence. It's a sense of accomplishment I deeply cherish.
Divya decided to enroll in OMSCS because it was everything she was looking for—the perfect opportunity! Given the flexibility of time and location in a program from a top-tier institute, Divya says, “I really could not have asked for more.” She also valued the rich classroom experience, made possible by an amazing team of instructors, as well as students with diverse experiences and backgrounds. OMSCS has “enriched my learning experience through its variety of projects, group discussions, and readings. This has greatly boosted my confidence in planning and pursuing my future endeavors. This program has covered a broad spectrum of subjects in such detail that it has instilled in me a deep-rooted confidence. It's a sense of accomplishment I deeply cherish.”
Divya's love of computers started at a very early age, “back in grade 3 in India, where I first experienced the joy of using a keyboard to guide a tiny Mario on a computer screen.” This interest continued through her undergraduate studies in Computer Science, where she explored programming, design, image processing, and cloud technologies. Divya found herself more inclined towards decision-making and problem-solving, which led her to focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning during her master's program at Georgia Tech. “Georgia Tech was the perfect place to embark on this journey!”
Georgia Tech offers so many opportunities to connect with others in a positive space. You never know what might change your life.
If Divya could go back in time, what would she have done differently? “I'd strive to connect with more classmates. Thankfully, the recent OMSCS conference gave me a chance to make some wonderful connections.” Divya offers great advice to current students: “Balancing your life with your academic commitments is key. Georgia Tech offers so many opportunities to connect with others in a positive space. You never know what might change your life. I took the SKY Campus Happiness training program with the SKY at GT club, and I would recommend it to every student. Sometimes the schedule can get really demanding. And SKY breathing helped me to relax and focus more. Also, keep your loved ones in the loop about upcoming deadlines—they're your cheerleaders, after all! Starting tasks early always pays off, helping you gracefully handle any surprises along the way. All the best and happy studying!”